Friday, May 20, 2011

Beautiful Mazatlan Mexico

I was surprised at how fast I fell in love with Mexico. My good friend used to tell me about how the culture there was extremely friendly and loving, but I had no clue truly how great the people were until I arrived. Everybody went out of their way to talk to us and be polite. Part of me says this was because we were the "rich" American tourists, but the other part thinks that people are just straight up good.

True Mazatlan has its share of crime and drug wars, but with our resort being in the golden zone, I felt 100% safe. I think that the people realize that their work and economy depends on the tourists coming in and being protected. This being said, it was the perfect trip because the town was deserted due to warnings from the US about traveling there mixed with a bad economy. This all resulted with us getting things for very cheap prices and having catered service. I would do it again in a heartbeat as well as recommend others to go. I'll blog more about our fun services and experiences, but for now here are a few ocean pics from the balcony at the Royal Villas Hotel.
